Welcome to the
Piedmont Soap Box Derby

Welcome to the Piedmont Area Soap Box Derby located in Culpeper, VA! Our track, Paul Bates Raceway, is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. We love having the children from our surrounding counties race with us in our June Local Derby. We are excited to be able to offer Rally racing at our track which is open to our Local Racers and Racers from outside our area! On this site, you can find all the details about our races, how to become a Racer, and more.

Race Schedule

Anyone between the ages of 7 and 20 years of age is eligible to compete.

Jun 14, 2025
Piedmont Area SBD – Culpeper, VA
Local Race

Become a

Take part in the tradition of the Piedmont Soap Box Derby – Get started with the program today to discover the excitement of gravity racing!